Online lessons in Pilates, Yoga & Fitness with Mark Wuest

Mark is off-line until 8.August 🙂

At home or on the go with videos and audios in a monthly subscription. Your time. Your place.

The lessons are suitable for beginners and advanced, categorized in easy, medium or difficult, including introductory videos to learn the basics first.

Test free of charge for 10 days Excerpts from the online lessons



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Online lessons in Pilates, Yoga & Fitness with Mark Wuest

Mark is off-line until 8.August  🙂

At home or on the go with videos and audios in a monthly subscription. Your time. Your place.

The lessons are suitable for beginners and advanced, categorized in easy, medium or difficult, including introductory videos to learn the basics first.

Test free of charge for 10 days Excerpts from the online lessons


Retreats / Special Events

My next Yoga Retreat will be in the beautiful Kurhaus Hotel in Bergün in the mountains of Switzerland.  20-25.October, 2024.   Hotel Link below.

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Live class for all levels

The lessons take place simultaneously in Yoga West AND with live stream via Zoom.

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Follow Mark on social media

You can also find Bits & Pieces by Mark Wuest on Instagram or TikTok.

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Next Yoga Retreat, 20-25.October, 2024 in the mountains of Switzerland.

More info

The lessons take place simultaneously in Yoga West AND with live stream via Zoom.

More info

You can also find Bits & Pieces by Mark Wuest on Instagram or TikTok.

Instagram TikTok
Online Lessons

Excerpts from our online lessons

Breathy Yoga (1:29 of 48 min)
40-60min, English, Medium, Video

Yoga Flow Hips and Shoulders (1:18 of 43 min)
40-60min, English, Difficult, Video

Autumn-Winter Yoga (1:05 of 33 min)
20-30min, German, Medium, Video

My approach to yoga is very sensitive, practical and functional. Train, mobilize, strengthen, stretch and relax. Breath to help focus. Focus to become more aware. Awareness to come into the moment. In the moment enjoy being in your body.

Pilates Complete (1:10 of 42 min)
40-60min, German, Medium, Video

Pilates Mat Work (1:10 of 30 min)
20-30min, English, Difficult, Video

Pilates for the Back (1:20 of 45 min)
40-60min, English, Medium, Video

Core strength, flexibility, coordination, posture and body awareness. These are some of the most important elements in my pilates videos. Clear and effective.

Revolving Triangle Tutorial (0:58 of 7 min)
5-10min, English, Medium, Video

Cobra Tutorial (1:17 of 6 min)
5-10min, Simple, English, Video

Side Plank Tutorial (2:29 of 6 min)
5-10min, English, Medium, Video

It's very important that you execute the exercises and poses correctly. I've made many tutorial videos with lots of information. HOW you practice is what can make the work safe and effective.

Fitter than a Fiddler (Part 2) (1:36 of 15 min)
10-20min, English, Medium, Video

Dancer Workout (1:04 of 40 min)
30-40min, English, Medium, Video

Home Office Break (0:46 of 10 min)
5-10min, Simple, English, Video

As an ex-dancer and former athlete, I can't help but put a few of these videos on the website. Train your body to become more fit, elegant, efficient and coordinated. How cool is that?!

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Video of the month

Jeden Monat kannst du 1 von unser 100 Videos gratis anschauen.

Standard Yoga Class #2  (45 Minutes)

Often a video has a certain specific focus.  Not so here, this video intends to be a solid all-around session.  I’m especially putting this on the website now because I will not be able to teach the Sunday Morning Yoga the next 2 weeks.  If you like this video, you’ll probably like the other ones, too.

Be very sensible with your yoga work.  This exercise video is to give an idea of what my website videos are like.  I can’t be responsible for any injuries.  Thanks!

"All my life I have been involved with movement and with various types of bodywork. Today I enjoy the privilege of passing on to others what I have experienced."

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